Rocket Division Software

CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD recording, iSCSI and AoE (ATA-over-Ethernet)

 [ 2 posts ] 
 Post subject: My PC won't play VCDs I made in StarBurn

Joined: M
Posts: 1
Whenever I make a VCD in StarBurn (I select the right speed for my cds) the resulting VCD will not play on WIndows Media Player, I tried to play them on VLC and it plays 2 seconds of it and they are very blocky with green and grey blocks everywhere, and then it just stops playing, can someone help me?

 Post subject: Re: My PC won't play VCDs I made in StarBurn
Site Admin

Joined: F
Posts: 3204
Location: British Virgin Islands
Can you provide us with sample MPEG file you use?

Klomodatsu wrote:
Whenever I make a VCD in StarBurn (I select the right speed for my cds) the resulting VCD will not play on WIndows Media Player, I tried to play them on VLC and it plays 2 seconds of it and they are very blocky with green and grey blocks everywhere, and then it just stops playing, can someone help me?

Anton Kolomyeytsev

Rocket Division Software

 [ 2 posts ]