Rocket Division Software

CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD recording, iSCSI and AoE (ATA-over-Ethernet)

 [ 1 post ] 
 Post subject: Why StarBurn changes my Home Page? How to get it back?

Joined: F
Posts: 213
Why StarBurn changes my Home Page?

Because you don't unselect check box Install SkyMediaPack on StarBurn installation page:

How to get it back?

I.E. 6.0

1)Open Internet_Explorer.
2)In main menu please select "Tools"->"Internet Options..." and on "General" tab
you can see your "Home Page" (Address:) and you can change it.

Mozilla_Firefox browser

1)Open Mozilla_Firefox browser.
2)In main menu please select "Tools"->"Options..." and on Main tab in "Startup" section you can change your "Home Page".

Opera browser

1)Open Opera browser.
2)In main menu please select "Tools"->"Preference"-> on "General" tab
you can see your "Home Page" and can change it.

Andrey Trubetskoy

Rocket Division Software

 [ 1 post ]