Rocket Division Software

CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD recording, iSCSI and AoE (ATA-over-Ethernet)

 [ 2 posts ] 
 Post subject: Cannot continue from VIDEO_TS

Joined: W
Posts: 1
hello to everyone, thanks for this forum, apparently there are some of us who do very much need it

well, i have ripped and decrypted my movie, and now i want to use Starburn to burn it to a blank recordable disc; i open the videoburner wizard and i get to the point where i find the video_ts i want to use as source document and click next, a window appears saying TOTAL FILE(S) SIZE TO BIG FOR BURNING ON THIS DISC!

is that unusual? have i done anything wrong? do i need to compress the file? what gives?

everything's bootable

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Site Admin

Joined: F
Posts: 3204
Location: British Virgin Islands
Please use double layer disc. Your content is simply too large for the media you've used

Anton Kolomyeytsev

Rocket Division Software

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